
In the world of professional wrestling, certain titles carry a legacy that transcends the traditional boundaries of the sport. The FTW (F*ck The World) Championship stands as a prime example of this. Created by the legendary wrestler Taz in the late 1990s, the FTW Championship has become a symbol of rebellion and defiance. This article delves into the history, significance, and enduring appeal of this unique title in the wrestling world.


The Birth of the FTW Championship

The FTW Championship was born out of controversy and defiance. In 1998, when Taz, a prominent figure in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), felt overlooked for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship, he introduced the FTW Championship as a symbol of his frustration and self-proclaimed status as the uncrowned champion. This act of rebellion resonated with fans who admired Taz's boldness and no-nonsense attitude.


Design and Significance

Unlike traditional wrestling belts, the FTW Championship's design reflects its rebellious nature. The belt itself is rugged, with a distinct, edgy look that sets it apart from more polished championship titles. It’s not just a piece of metal and leather; it's a statement. Holding the FTW Championship means embodying the spirit of defiance and standing apart from the establishment.


Impact on Wrestling Culture

The FTW Championship quickly became a symbol of anti-establishment within wrestling. It represented a wrestler’s ability to forge their own path and challenge the status quo. This resonated deeply with fans who were tired of the conventional narratives and hungry for something raw and authentic. The title became synonymous with a do-it-yourself ethos in wrestling, influencing the industry in profound ways.


Legacy of the FTW Championship

The legacy of the FTW Championship is evident in its continued relevance today. While it may not have the official status of other championships, its impact on wrestling culture is undeniable. It's a title that wrestlers don’t just win; they claim it as a form of expression, a way to make a statement. This legacy continues to inspire a new generation of wrestlers who see themselves as outsiders.


The FTW Championship in Modern Wrestling

In recent years, the FTW Championship has seen a resurgence, making appearances in major wrestling promotions. This resurgence is a testament to the enduring appeal of the championship and its significance in wrestling lore. It remains a powerful symbol for wrestlers who want to carve out their own identity and for fans who appreciate the rebellious spirit it represents.


A Fan Favorite

Among wrestling fans, the FTW Championship holds a special place. It's revered not just for its historical significance but also for what it stands for. In a sport often characterized by larger-than-life characters and over-the-top storylines, the FTW Championship is a dose of gritty reality, a reminder of the sport's rebellious roots.


Collecting FTW Memorabilia

For collectors, FTW Championship memorabilia is highly sought after. From replicas of the belt to merchandise branded with its unmistakable logo, these items are cherished by fans who want to own a piece of wrestling history. They are not just collectibles; they are symbols of a fan’s affinity for the rebellious side of wrestling.



The FTW Championship is more than just a title; it's a symbol of rebellion, a badge of honor for those who dare to be different in the world of professional wrestling. Its legacy is carried not just by the wrestlers who have held it but also by the fans who have embraced its significance. In a sport often defined by tradition and convention, the FTW Championship stands as a reminder of the power of defiance and the enduring appeal of the underdog spirit.