

In the pro wrestling industry, only a few championship belts have ever been as captivating or respected among fans and wrestlers alike as the “Big Eagle” belt. This iconic title was first introduced during WWF’s Attitude Era in the late 1990s and has since become an emblem of excellence in professional wrestling, having been worn by some of the sport’s most legendary figures. This article delves into the history behind this belt, its design features and why it continues to be one of the most beloved symbols in professional wrestling.


Birth Of An Icon


Commonly referred to as the “Attitude Era” belt, The Big Eagle made its debut in 1998 which was a significant year for WWF. It marked a new chapter in their rich history and stood out from its predecessor (Winged Eagle) because it was larger, bolder and more reflective of that time period; edgy and dynamic. The introduction also coincided with this being when wrestling gained mainstream popularity hence making it such an important part of sports entertainment culture.


Design And Features


The design of The Big Eagle sets it apart from other belts with similar accolades; there is no mistaking what this championship represents once sighted! A massive eagle spreading its wings wide symbolizes power and freedom – qualities shared among all champions who have had the privilege to wear such a prestigious title around their waist. Additionally, intricate globe side plates were included to represent WWF’s worldwide reach while adding on beauty through detailed workmanship thus making it one of if not THE most visually appealing championship belt ever created for professional wrestling.


Legends Of The Ring


Over years that followed suit after being named premier champion belt, many greats held onto said honorific titles such as Stone Cold Steve Austin himself – need I say more? In fact people like him along with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson or Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque are just some examples out of countless numbers who carried Big Eagle around during some their most memorable feuds/matches thus building not only theirs but also its reputation. Every time somebody new would win there came another story line told which led up until then where they lost again so really each reign just added more history into an already rich tapestry making every single one special for all involved parties concerned including fans.


Memorable Moments


The Big Eagle belt has been at the center of many great moments and matches that defined the Attitude Era. It was featured in events such as WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Royal Rumble where it played key roles within stories lines to captivate audiences worldwide. These occasions helped solidify its place as one of wrestlemania’s greatest artifacts from a golden age for pro wrestling.


Legacy And Influence Of The Belt


Even though big eagle eventually got retired; however, even today people still talk about their favorite superstars getting hands on them because they know how much legacy comes behind it! Many things can be learned through designing championship belts like WWE does now or even beyond this organization too because not only does this remind us about when everything changed in terms of presentation but also what titles mean design wise, prestige wise, athletically etc…




The big eagle belt is an object that represents a time period in wrestling history where popularity soared to uncharted heights while competition never being greater than before or since then either. The stories surrounding these legends who wore them alone could fill books upon books with content which would entertain anyone reading through such material no matter if they were fans before hand or not – such was impact made by all involved over years passed along side classic matches contested under this very same roof where memories were created forevermore together long after everyone else had gone home leaving behind nothing except empty seats waiting patiently once more for another chance at greatness otherwise known as professional sports entertainment!